Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Repeats in Winters

A different kind of repeat...

So every time I ride through Winters on Wednesdays at about 5 o'clock I hear the same thing, "you'll never be like Lance Armstrong." Today I got tired of this, so I proceeded to ride across the grass to confront the group of teens. I asked them why do they say the same thing every week? The alpha male of the group replied to me saying "it's hilarious." I don't understand what was funny about it... I never have wanted to be like Lance, I have always been thinking more on the lines of Robby Rocket or Ale'jet. In my mind the kid has got his whole burn wrong, if he really wanted to hurt me he should say something like, "You'll never bump elbows with the best of 'em," or "To bad you have to ride junior gears."

Anyways, I told him to get some new material.


Chandler said...

I'm proud of you for standing your ground (or riding on it?)

Way to tell him, honey!

Lee said...

I've run into that kid several times. The second time that kid said "You'll never be like Lance" I slowed down, looked at him and asked "Who's Lance?"

He looked very confused :-)